Implementasi 360 Degree untuk Membantu Proses Pelaporan Kinerja Dosen (Studi Kasus; JTI Polinema)

  • Misbahudin Politeknik Negeri Malang
  • Rudy Ariyanto Politeknik Negeri Malang
  • Yoppy Yunhasnawa Politeknik Negeri Malang
Keywords: 360 degree, GDSS, AHP, borda, kinerja dosen


Lecturers have the roles, tasks and responsibilities to realize the goals of national education. To achieve these national education goals professional lecturers are needed. So it is necessary to evaluate the lecturer so that in carrying out their duties and responsibilities in line with what is required in Law No. 14 of 2005 concerning teachers and lecturers. In carrying out the correct assessment, the assessment is carried out by the right party who can contribute to a good assessment.

So the proposed 360 Degree concept. This study uses the concept of a group decision support system (GDSS) as a data processing method with 3 evaluators, namely superiors, students, and fellow lecturers. The group decision support system developed in this study uses the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) and Borda method for group decision making. AHP method is used to determine the criteria weights for each alternative. The Borda method is used for combining the ranking results obtained by each decision maker so as to get the final ranking and get a score for each alternative. The criteria used include: Personality, Pedagogik, Social, and Professional.The results of this study using the AHP and Borda methods can be as expected with an accuracy rate of 20%.



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How to Cite
Misbahudin, Rudy Ariyanto, & Yunhasnawa, Y. (2021). Implementasi 360 Degree untuk Membantu Proses Pelaporan Kinerja Dosen (Studi Kasus; JTI Polinema). Jurnal Informatika Polinema, 7(2), 13-20.