• M-Hidayat STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin
Keywords: Health Crisis, Enterprise Architecture Planning, Zachman framework, Unified Modeling Language, Roadmap


Disaster is something that is very disturbing human activity, the area of ​​disaster events may disrupt the smooth running of economic activity, destroyed the foundation of social and endanger the survival of the community. All catastrophic events cause paralysis of the health crisis among other health services, victim dead, wounded, displaced, nutritional problems, the problem of water supply, environmental sanitation problems, infectious diseases and stress / psychiatric disorders.


Emergency response catastrophic health crisis requires a strategy for the utilization and increased support for information systems, applied to harmony in the planning, execution with enterprise business strategy. Broadly speaking, the information system is designed to help the handling of the health crisis caused by natural disasters.


The method used in this study is based on the Zachman Enterprise Architecture Planning framework that includes columns What, How, Where and line Scope, Enterprise Model, System Model, while the software used in assisting a depiction of the system: the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The design of information systems architecture of this research produces data entities 49, 32 candidate applications and technology architecture.


Roadmap provides an overview of priority application to be made in the design of management information systems architecture health crisis in South Kalimantan provincial health office will support the daily business processes


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