• Arlan Maulana Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
Keywords: Expert System, Pregnant Woman, Artificial Intelligence, Forward Chaining


An expert system is an application of artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence). An expert system is the implementation of an expert's knowledge that is made into a system to be able to assist in solving problems or finding diagnoses related to things that can only be determined by an expert. This study raises the issue of disorders/disorders of disease suffered by pregnant women, assisted by intelligent system technology that can provide knowledge about the symptoms and habits that cause pregnant women to be susceptible to abnormalities and disorders in the fetus they are carrying based on predetermined rules. . Helping pregnant women in knowing their health conditions through per-trimester conditions. The system can also provide information as well as assistance in the form of suggestions that prospective mothers can follow when their pregnancy conditions may have a slight disturbance, indirectly the system provides first aid for prospective mothers. Using the forward chaining method, this method uses search rules and draws results in the form of existing conclusions based on rules, the process starts from existing facts and then is processed through premises to reach conclusions or what is commonly called bottom-up reasoning. Forward chaining begins through searching from one problem to its solution. If the premise clause is in accordance with the conditions, the process will produce a conclusion. Implemented in a website-based system so that pregnant women can do independent consultations wherever and whenever, with this system it is useful for pregnant women who want to know the health condition of their womb without the need for direct consultation with an obstetrician once a month.


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How to Cite
Arlan Maulana. (2022). EXPERT SYSTEM TO DETECT PREGNANCY DISORDERS USING FORWARD CHAINING METHOD. Jurnal Informatika Polinema, 8(1), 17-24.