
The increase in Covid-19 cases by 2.8% in Indonesia has occurred since December 27, 2020, even though the implementation of health protocols has been very effective. Based on the WHO recommendation, the diagnosis of COVID-19 was confirmed using the SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR method and the examination was required to fill out form 6 in accordance with the decision of the Indonesian Minister of Health as a tracing step. Hospitals in reducing contact between patients apply a drive thru examination model. Hospitals that already have a SIM-RS must re-enter data from form 6 which is filled in by the patient, so that there can be accumulation in the registration area, especially the vehicle parking area. This also applies to sampling the Drive Thru area so that it takes longer and is not in accordance with the hospital management policy for Drive Thru services, a maximum of 15 minutes. The Drive Thru registration information system for the Covid-19 PCR laboratory examination that is Integrated SIM-RS is very helpful for hospital services and is very effectively implemented. The result of the observation is that there is a significant difference in the average time difference of 25 minutes/vehicle, with an average time of 35 minutes/vehicle before using the application and an average of 10 minutes after use. The drive thru model can also be applied not only to restaurants but also to hospital services


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Author Biography

Albert Riyandi, Universitas Nusamandiri

information system


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How to Cite
Riyandi, A., & Meizi Fachrizal Achmad. (2022). REGISTRASI DRIVE THRU UNTUK PEMERIKSAAN LABORATORIUM PCR COVID-19 TERINTEGRASI SIM-RS. Jurnal Informatika Polinema, 8(1), 31-38.