Applying IoT Architecture in Quail Egg Incubator Using Fuzzy Algorithm

  • Satria Putra Sabana Politeknik Negeri Malang
Keywords: Smart Device, Internet of Things, Quail Eggs, Fuzzy Sugeno, Smart Incubator


The use of an egg incubator is considered to be able to increase the productivity of quail breeders. But the machine hatching that is widely used by breeders, there are still weaknesses, including using on-off controls to heat source, manual egg turning, and monitoring are still carried out directly. In this research, made a system for an egg incubator, which is able to stabilize the temperature and humidity, rotate the eggs automatically automated, and monitoring control can be done through the website. This system uses 2 sensors, namely: DHT11 and PIR to measure temperature, humidity and detect hatched eggs. Fuzzy method Sugeno is used to control lamp light intensity and fan speed with the main parameter temperature and humidity taken from the DHT11 sensor data. In the tests that have been carried out, the system can produces a response that is in accordance with the fuzzy Sugeno method which is simulated in MATLAB. Temperature at incubator resulting from the use of this system, can be stable with an average temperature of 37.70⁰C and humidity 39.68%.


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1. Pendahuluan
2. Landasan Teori
3. Analisis dan Perancangan
4. Implementasi dan Pengujian
5. Kesimpulan dan Saran
How to Cite
Satria Putra Sabana. (2022). Applying IoT Architecture in Quail Egg Incubator Using Fuzzy Algorithm. Jurnal Informatika Polinema, 8(3), 45-52.