• andriyan jatmiko universitas merdeka malang
  • Gissela Maristella Legong
Keywords: e-health, e-government, e-govqual, Service quality


Health services for the community, especially the underprivileged population in Surabaya City, still face challenges that have not been fully addressed. These challenges include accessing health service information through the operation of e-health by the public. The E-Health program is introduced as a solution to address healthcare service issues. However, evaluating the effectiveness of this program is necessary to determine the extent to which the public's expectations have been met. This research employs the E-GovQual method to analyze the effectiveness of E-Government implementation across several dimensions, namely efficiency, trust, reliability, and citizen support. The aim of this study is to assess user satisfaction levels with the e-health platform provided by the Surabaya government and enhance public participation in evaluating the e-health program based on measurements provided by the e-govqual method. The evaluation was conducted on the E-Health services provided by the Surabaya City Government by distributing questionnaires to eligible respondents. The research findings indicate that the implementation of E-Health in Surabaya City is deemed effective based on the utilization of the E-GovQual method. Overall, this study shows that the E-Health program provided by the city government of Surabaya has positively impacted improving healthcare services to underserved communities in the region, aligning with the e-govqual measurements. The results of this research are expected to serve as a foundation for the development of similar programs in other areas and enhance the overall quality of healthcare services.


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How to Cite
jatmiko, andriyan, & Gissela Maristella Legong. (2023). ANALISIS KUALITAS PELAYANAN AKSES INFORMASI E-HEALTH MENGGUNAKAN METODE E-GOVQUAL. Jurnal Informatika Polinema, 10(1), 69-76.