Performance Testing Sistem Ujian Online Menggunakan Jmeter Pada Lingkungan Virtual

  • Ade Ismail State Polytechnic of Malang
  • Ahmadi Yuli Ananta
  • Sofyan Noor Arief
  • Elok Nur Hamdana


Performance testing is a software testing process used for speed, responsiveness, testing, scalability and resource usage of software under specific workloads. This research helps determine how the software responds when multiple users access the system simultaneously. Testing uses load testing that simulates the actual user load on the software. Testing aims to find out how many users the system can handle in a particular configuration. The online exam software used is TCExam, which is a computer-based online exam system that is widely used by educational institutions. In this test, the target user must be able to be handled by the software as many as 1000 users and carried out according to server specifications. Virtualization makes it easy to set server specifications based on testing needs. The results of testing performance testing using Apache Jmeter show that even with the highest specifications there are still errors in the load testing so that the target of 1000 users cannot be met.


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How to Cite
Ismail, A., Ahmadi Yuli Ananta, Sofyan Noor Arief, & Elok Nur Hamdana. (2023). Performance Testing Sistem Ujian Online Menggunakan Jmeter Pada Lingkungan Virtual. Jurnal Informatika Polinema, 9(2), 159-164.