• Fildzah Zia Ghassani Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
  • Asep Jamaludin
  • Agung Susilo Yuda Irawan
Keywords: Association Rules, Cross-Selling, Data Mining, FP-Growth


KAOCHEM Sinergi Mandiri Cooperative is a cooperative that provides various kinds of basic needs such as basic foodstuffs that can meet the needs of its members. The cooperative transaction data is only stored as a report. Association rules are a method in data mining that functions to identify items that have a value that is likely to appear simultaneously with other items. One implementation of the association method is Market Basket Analysis. The data used are transaction data for November 2019. Data mining is one of the processes or stages of the KDD method. The data mining process is carried out using the FP-Growth algorithm, which is one of the algorithms for calculating the sets that often appear from data. Researchers analyzed transaction data using the Rapid Miner Studio tools. In the data mining process using FP-Growth the researcher determines a minimum support value of 3% and a minimum confidence of 50%. The association process using these values ​​produces 3 strong rules, namely if ades 350 ml, then fried / lontong with a support value of 0.030 and confidence 0.556 and if fried st, then fried / lontong with a support value of 0.048 and confidence 0.639, and if nasi uduk / bacang , then fried / rice cake with a support value of 0.031 and confidence 0.824. The results of the association rules can be applied using one of the marketing techniques, namely cross-selling to increase the sales of the cooperative.


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How to Cite
Zia Ghassani, F., Jamaludin, A., & Susilo Yuda Irawan, A. (2021). MARKET BASKET ANALYSIS USING THE FP-GROWTH ALGORITHM TO DETERMINE CROSS-SELLING. Jurnal Informatika Polinema, 7(4), 49-54.