• M.Taufiq Sauma Hendy Universitas Islam Balitar
  • Saiful Nur Budiman
  • Haris Yuana


Associatian Rule is a data mining method to determine rule-based associations and determine correlations between variables in a data set. In this study, the use of the association rule method was chosen because it aims to determine the application of the a priori algorithm in analytical research and also to find out the test results of the selection of digital promotional media based on customer buying behavior. Thus, through this research, SMEs can find out the most appropriate digital media to promote products to customers who now prefer to shop online. The results showed that 2 combinations of media itemset were suitable to be used as effective promotional media, where the media that had the strongest association was Instagram and influencer. The strong bond between media is convincing and can be used as a reference because of the accuracy of the combination of correlated itemset and the resulting validity. Setting a minimum support value of 0.3 and a minimum confidence of 0.8 to calculate the association rule method, it can be seen that the components (D, H) representing Instagram and influencers have a support value of 0.388889 and a confidence value of 0.807692. Then for the results The test results show that the lift ratio is greater than 1, which is 1.615385 which indicates there is a synergy between Instagram and influencers. Thus, SMEs can use the results of this research as a digital business tool through Instagram and influencers to increase product sales.Associatian Rule is a data mining method to determine rule-based associations and determine correlations between variables in a data set. In this study, the use of the association rule method was chosen because it aims to determine the application of the a priori algorithm in analytical research and also to find out the test results of the selection of digital promotional media based on customer buying behavior. Thus, through this research, SMEs can find out the most appropriate digital media to promote products to customers who now prefer to shop online. The results showed that 2 combinations of media itemset were suitable to be used as effective promotional media, where the media that had the strongest association was Instagram and influencer. The strong bond between media is convincing and can be used as a reference because of the accuracy of the combination of correlated itemset and the resulting validity. Setting a minimum support value of 0.3 and a minimum confidence of 0.8 to calculate the association rule method, it can be seen that the components (D, H) representing Instagram and influencers have a support value of 0.388889 and a confidence value of 0.807692. Then for the results The test results show that the lift ratio is greater than 1, which is 1.615385 which indicates there is a synergy between Instagram and influencers. Thus, SMEs can use the results of this research as a digital business tool through Instagram and influencers to increase product sales.


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How to Cite
M.Taufiq Sauma Hendy, Saiful Nur Budiman, & Haris Yuana. (2022). ANALISIS PEMILIHAN MEDIA PROMOSI DIGITAL BERDASARKAN PERILAKU KONSUMEN MENGGUNAKAN APRIORI . Jurnal Informatika Polinema, 9(1), 9-16.